Monday, March 14, 2011

Flyers + Couponing + Meal Planning = Happy Budget

Our monthly budget for groceries is about $400.  That's for two adults, two kids and one dog.   I thought that I would share an example of how that works by sharing a shopping trip and the meal plan that went with it.

February 27, 2011

First stop was No Frills, to shop the flyer specials and compare prices to some of the things on my list for other stores.  I figured out while I was there that it wasn't worth the trip to Sobeys this day as it was only going to save a couple of dollars, and likewise to Shoppers Drug Mart.

2x AlphaBits @ $1.98
1x HoneyComb @ $1.98
4x MiniWheats @ $2.88
3x Honey Bunches of Oats @ $1.98
(stock up on cereal when you can get it for less than $2.00 per box!!)

2x Margarine
Chicken Breast
2x No Name frozen veggies @ $1.97 (trying out the brand - it passed)
French Fries @ $1.99
Baking Soda
Almond Extract
2x Molasses
Root Beer
Soy Milk
Chicken Noodle Soup
2x Cauliflower
2 dozen Eggs

Coupons used:  $5.25 plus $1.94 SuperBucks from filling up at the gas station before going in (incidentally they also have the cheapest gas in town).

Total spent:  $78.87

Next stop - Walmart.

Mandarin Oranges
2 bags of organic Apples
10lb Russet Potatoes (good for mashing and for rappie pie)
10 lb Red Potatoes (good for roasting, peel-on, also very good mashed)
Shrimp ring (cheaper than buying the bags of shrimp)
Beef Roast (this was a poor choice at $9.00, it only made one meal and a couple of sandwiches)
Pork Roast (better at $5.87)
24x Mr. Noodles (the kids enjoy this as a quick lunch with a hot dog or sandwich)
2x Orange Juice
Chocolate Chips
2x 12pk Olymel hot dogs (the beef ones got a thumbs down from me)
'Good Old Days' bacon
4x Canned corn
'Great Value' brand frozen corn & peas (not a big fan of these)
2x Canned mushrooms
Raisin Bran
Silver Hills bread (over $4 a loaf, but I had a freebie coupon)
4x various teas
Olive Oil
3x Coconut Milk (I use this in several recipes instead of dairy)

Coupons used:  $13.37
Total spent: $110.75

Total spent on groceries - $189.62.  (We did have to pick up extra milk a couple of times after this.)

I started out the week with a turkey, chicken nuggets, some ground beef and some stew beef in the freezer, and we always have a stock of rice, pasta, canned soups and Kraft Dinner on hand.

Here is the meal plan for the two weeks this shopping trip covered... breakfast is always cereal, oatmeal or pancakes.  Lunch for Jeff is supper leftovers, sandwiches, or canned food; for the kids and I it is usually soup, sandwiches or pasta.  But I plan ahead for suppers:

Saturday 26th was meatloaf
Sunday 27th - leftover meatloaf, potatoes, canned corn
Monday 28th - baked chicken, potatoes, frozen veggies
Tuesday 1st - chicken soup made from leftover chicken, egg noodles, carrots & onion
Wednesday 2nd - beef stew & biscuits
Thursday 3rd - leftover stew
Friday 4th - shrimp stir-fry with broccoli & carrots, and brown rice
Saturday 5th - roast beef, mashed potatoes, canned corn
Sunday 6th - roast turkey, potatoes, frozen peas, cauliflower
Monday 7th - rappie pie made from leftover turkey, potatoes, bacon (kids had chicken nuggets)
Tuesday 8th - leftover rappie pie
Wednesday 9th - roast beef, potatoes, veggies
Thursday 10th - leftover roast beef
Friday 11th - slow cooker pork roast, oven roasted potatoes, frozen corn
Saturday 12th - KD & hot dogs
Sunday 13th - steak, peas, french fries
Monday 14th - beef & broccoli, fried rice
Tuesday 15th - meatloaf, broccoli, frozen veggies.... also payday so a new shopping trip is planned.

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